Friday, February 24, 2012


Sacramento Cash Mob promotes local businesses by periodically encouraging it's many followers to spend money at a specific local business on a designated day.  The business owners have no influence in who we visit and are are unaware of our plans.  We simply show up and spend some dough!  Its our way of showing our local businesses that we support Sacramento businesses because we support our neighbors.

I invite you to join us on one of our upcoming Cash Mobs. 

Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. My nephew in Albuquerque participates in ABQ CashMob - sounds fun and worthwhile. I saw that the Crepe Escape on H was nominated - at the same intersection is East Sac Bike & Board, Cookies Drive In, and several other small businesses that I am sure could use the revenue of a CashMob.
